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Scotland's alcohol policy fails as death toll rises

Published:  13 September, 2024

In recent years, Scotland has faced a worsening crisis of alcohol-related harm, as the number of deaths linked to alcohol consumption has surged. Despite being the first country in the world to introduce a Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) policy in 2018, the strategy has not achieved the expected results. Coupled with the Scottish government’s controversial plans to ban alcohol advertising, these initiatives have sparked a heated debate on the effectiveness of policy-driven approaches to reducing alcohol abuse.


Lidl trials return scheme after DRS delay

Published:  08 February, 2024

Discounter Lidl has launched its own return scheme for PET plastic and aluminium drinks containers, eight months after the Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) was delayed by the Scottish government.


Scottish pubs £15k worse off than English equivalents

Published:  24 January, 2024

New analysis by UKHospitality Scotland has revealed the financial disparity between sites in England and Scotland following the Scottish government's decision not to implement business rates support this year for venues. 


Scotland calls out government for pubs closing at twice the rate of England

Published:  05 December, 2023

The Scottish Beer & Pub Association (SBPA) and the Scottish Licensed Trade Association (SLTA) have issued a joint appeal to support their sector after it emerged that English businesses will receive a 75% reduction in rates bills for the financial year 2024-25.


Chivas Brothers makes carbon cutting technologies ‘open source’ to industry

Published:  19 July, 2023

The Scotch whisky producer has deployed highly efficient heat recovery technologies within the whisky distillation process, halving carbon emissions at its Glentauchers distillery.


Scotland’s alcohol advertising ban ‘sent back to drawing board’

Published:  19 April, 2023

After significant backlash from the Scottish drinks trade proposals to restrict alcohol advertising north of the border have been, “sent back to the drawing board”, first minister Humza Yousaf has announced.


Soapbox: Is alcohol in Scotland an endangered species?

Published:  14 February, 2023

Luvians manager Archie McDiarmid fears for the future of the alcohol industry in Scotland if government proposals go ahead


More late stage delay for Scottish DRS

Published:  16 December, 2022

A Gateway Review into the already pushed back Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) for Scotland has concluded that the scheme won’t be fit to launch by August 2023.


Scottish hospitality sector relieved as passport scheme not extended

Published:  24 November, 2021

Yesterday's announcement by the Scottish government that the Covid-19 passport scheme will not be expanded to encompass the wider licensed hospitality industry has been met with relief and jubilation.


Scotland delays implementation of Deposit Return Scheme

Published:  18 November, 2021

A perfect storm of Covid-19, Brexit and a struggling hospitality sector has delayed the introduction of Scotland's inaugural DRS scheme, according to Scottish Minister Lorna Slater.


Vaccine passports halve late-night sales in Scotland

Published:  27 October, 2021


Scottish trade hails reopening but raises concerns for the future

Published:  04 August, 2021

The hospitality sector has welcomed news that Scotland will be easing Covid-19 restrictions from next week but has called for more clarity on the details.


Level 4 climbdown offers some relief for Scotland

Published:  09 December, 2020

Level 4 restrictions will come to an end for parts of west central Scotland from 6pm on December 11. However, the Scottish Licensed Trade Association (SLTA) has said that there is much left to be done if businesses are to survive ongoing government measures.


Scottish food and drink wholesalers to receive £5m resilience fund

Published:  07 December, 2020

A new Scottish Wholesale Food and Drink Resilience Fund has been established by the Scottish government to help wholesalers affected by Covid-19 restrictions to cover fixed costs for a six-month period from October 2020.


Chivas chief slams Scots govt for whisky sector lockdown failure

Published:  03 September, 2020

The Scottish government failed to support the Scottish whisky industry at the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic, Jean-Christophe Coutures, the chairman and chief executive of Chivas Brothers, has said.


Scottish MUP policy curbs drinking, study shows

Published:  26 September, 2019

Minimum unit pricing (MUP) in Scotland has reduced alcohol consumption in some households, a study published in the British Medical Journal has found.


Scottish government calls for post-Brexit protections for whisky

Published:  01 August, 2019

Scotch whisky must retain its current protected status if the UK leaves the EU without a deal, Fergus Ewing, the Scottish government’s secretary for the rural economy, has said.